D1 Monday 25/01

Madagui Day 1 – Henry and James’ perspectives

Today we met at school and joined our groups for the fun activities. We went group by group to the buses for the trips to Madagui.
In bus 5 it was a little bit cramped but being with my friends made it fun. We played games in the bus like guess the song being played and we had a stop at a place where we could buy good drinks and yummy snacks. We bought refreshing drinks like melon tea and revive. We were not allowed buy energy drinks like Red Bull or Sting so no kids got really crazy. The journey was very amazing. One bus was stopped by the police for some reason. 3 of the kids got arrested (Only Joking). The bus was slightly delayed but that’s all.
When we arrived, we were welcomed by the lovely staff and they brought us to our tents. We saw inside our cosy tents and set up our mattresses. At lunch we ate Madagui’s delicious food for the first time.
For the first activity session, Group 3 did zip lining, it was so adventurous. Group 5 did some challenging orienteering. It was a sunny day but we had lots of fun and we felt energetic.
For the 2nd activities, group 3 did obstacle races and Henry says it was competitive and enjoyable. (Mostly because he got his team to win)
In the evening, we learnt how to make traditional crisp spring rolls and some good bamboo rice. We had to fold the spring rolls very neatly and nicely because we ended up eating them. We thought they were delicious because we made them…
While writing this we are watching the movie, ‘Inside Out’. We ate some sweet butter popcorn too. Everyone had a good night. Tomorrow we are looking forward to the new activities and new experiences and especially for tomorrow night’s marshmallows.

Written by James Lawson and Henry Nguyen








  1. Hi sir/madam,
    Please updates us of our children. With thanks, Mrs Tay

  2. looking forward to your updates.thanks

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. It is Tuesday Jan 26th.
    The kids have been gone for 2 days and still no update nor pictures

  5. Dear Bobby,

    The blog is presenting an edited selection of all pictures for each day. You can find all pictures from each day on Flickr at the link below :



    AsiaMotions team
